The Natura Umană Film project has the mission of permanently improving the lives of all animals, especially on the territory of Romania, but not only, through various media projects, from documentary films, reports and video materials, investigative journalism and other forms of art, transmitting a message of compassion towards of all animals.
Natura Umană Film project is fighting for transparency in the animal agriculture industry, to allow consumers to make choices and purchases in an educated and conscious way. The most effective way to cause the least harm to others is to opt for a vegan lifestyle, where you avoid supporting all industries that profit from animal exploitation.
Societies throughout time have continuously challenged social viewpoints for the rights of the oppressed. Discrimination against different races and against women was at one time a dominant social norm. More and more people are recognizing that other animals are individuals with unique interests and life stories. The oppression, exploitation, and abuse that animals are subjected to make the contemporary animal rights movement one of the largest movements for social change in the entire world.
The main work of the project
Natura Umană Film project revolves around conducting investigations and exposing the truth about the suffering of animals used for food, entertainment, fashion, science, companionship and those subject to management or control programs in Romania.
Through the Natura Umană Film project we are determined and honored to fight for the rights of all animals.
People ultimately have the power to choose alternatives to products or practices that perpetuate animal abuse. Our decisions about what we eat, wear, watch and buy influence the use of animals in a range of industries.
The purpose of the project Natura Umană Film project is to promote healthy and kind alternatives through consumer education and information.
Education is the basis of all campaigns carried out by Natura Umană Film project. Campaign strategies are focused on influencing consumer behavior and the law by challenging prevailing social norms, behaviors and beliefs.
Our campaigns give the public access to information, enabling them to make informed choices about consumerism through short videos or documentaries.
Natura Umană Film project aims to lobby at all levels of government and the various industries involved in animal exploitation in an attempt to influence legislation and permanently improve the lives of all animals.
Organizing speeches and participating in debates at events, schools and universities to educate about the ethics of how society uses animals across a range of industries.
Our platforms provide detailed campaign information, tips and guides on how to live cruelty-free and ways to get involved in the animal rights movement.
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